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The Three Questions Angels Will Ask in the Grave

The Three Questions Angels Will Ask in the Grave

Death is a certitude none of us can deny and it is the first step in our afterlife. We learn from the teachings of the Prophet (SAW) that angels will visit us in the grave to question us about the life we led on earth. 

Our ability to correctly answer these questions will make it possible to remain in a blissful state of Barzakh until the Day of Judgement; therefore, it is of utmost importance that we answer these questions correctly when the time comes.

The three questions we will be asked are:

1. Who is your Lord?

2. What is your religion?

3. Who is your prophet?

What Are the Answers to These Questions?

When the angels Munkar and Nakir appear before us, we should know the answers to these questions. So what are the answers?

Quite obviously, the answers to these questions are: Allah (SWT) is my Lord, Islam is my religion, and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is my prophet.

It is not enough for us to simply memorize these answers and regurgitate them when Munkar and Nakir are before us. For us to answer these questions correctly, it is necessary that we actually live our life in accordance with the answers. But how?

When we claim that Allah (SWT) is our Lord, our life must prove that we spent it in submission and obedience to Him.

When we say that Islam is our religion, our life must have been spent according to the rulings of the Shariah.

And when we declare that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is, indeed, our prophet, our actions should have been emulating his perfect Sunnah and following in his footsteps.

What if I Did NOT Implement Islam in My Daily Life?

If our lives were not spent in such a manner, our ability to answer these questions correctly will be negatively impacted. We may be left in a state where we try to answer, but are left stuttering, and in the end, admitting “I don’t know!”. May Allah save us from this condition!

What Should I Do?

It is an immense blessing of Allah (SWT) that we are still alive and able to work towards our Akhira. The time to prepare for the questioning of the grave is not later, but now, because we can never know when our lives will end. We must take the steps, one good deed at a time, to ensure Islam is the focal point of our lives. We must do so before it is too late.

Some Toughts (7)

  1. added on 31 Dec, 2021

    Do they ask more then 3 questions Or is only 3

    • Ahsan Zahid
      added on 1 Feb, 2022

      Assalam-u-Alaikum, sister. The hadith of the Prophet (S) only mentions these three questions.

      • added on 11 Feb, 2022

        wHAT WIll happen after thesee 3 questions brother

        • Ahsan Zahid
          added on 16 Feb, 2022


          If the person replies correctly, their grave will be like a garden of Jannah, spacious and fragrant; and if they answer incorrectly, it will be a place of punishment and torment, a very closed and constricted space.

          May Allah protect us all.

  2. Mohamed
    added on 16 Jan, 2022


  3. lena salaam rashid
    added on 19 Mar, 2022

    Thank you. Sincerly, lena Salaam rashid

  4. lena salaam rashid
    added on 19 Mar, 2022